Series: It’s Time to Get Pitch Perfect Part I: So what is a pitch deck?
August 25, 2020

Series: It’s Time to Get Pitch Perfect, Part II: Anatomy of a Pitch Deck

Welcome to the second instalment in our “Pitch Perfect” series to help you create the perfect pitch. If you missed the first one, you can still check it out here.

So let’s now look at the basic elements of an effective pitch deck: (Note that the actual order of slides is flexible, but the below serves as a solid guide based on best practise. Also note that anything with an * asterisk indicates a key slide selection that absolutely must stand out over the other sections.)

  • Cover/Title slide: Imagine a billboard to sell your company
  •  Elevator Pitch: Short and memorable summary of your vision / value proposition
  •  *Problem & Solution: What you are solving, and its solution
  •  *Market size: Including market growth and target customers
  •  *Competition: How you differ from your competitors and your competitive advantage
  •  *Product: Your solution and value proposition
  •  *Business Model: How you will make money
  •  Strategy & go-to-market approach: How will you reach the customer and sell to them
  •  Progress, traction: Key milestones and success stories
  •  *Team: Founders and core team, including advisors, investors, board members
  •  Financials: 3-5 year breakdown including key assumptions
  •  *Fundraising request: The ask for funds and their intended use
  •  Appendix (optional): Partnerships, product demo, cap table, legal structure, etc.

So now you have all the elements for a very strong pitch deck. But there’s more – our next “Pitch Perfect” blog post will cover the Do’s and Don’ts of designing your pitch deck.

The Pitch Perfect series is presented by Julien Plouzeau, Investment Manager at Dtec Ventures. Julien can be contacted at